Raised, red patches covered with silvery scales on the body or spots of dandruff-like scaling are the classic sign of psoriasis.
Psoriasis is a common lifelong condition and because of its systemic nature, patients exhibit a broad spectrum of symptoms that vary in severity. Psoriasis is an immune-mediated, inflammatory skin and joint condition. It can sometimes take different, more serious forms, and has been linked to other physical and mental health problems. People with psoriasis are more likely to have other conditions linked to inflammation, including arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and inflammatory bowel diseases. Although psoriasis requires a long-term treatment several studies suggest that weight loss, vigorous exercise, and proper diet can combat inflammation, improve psoriasis and keep skin healthy. My numerous psoriasis patients improved significantly after I have altered their daily diet. Here are the top 4 FOODS THAT IMPROVE PSORIASIS –
What to avoid when you have psoriasis?
Best Homeopathy Treatment for Psoriasis – Homeopathy helps to relieve psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis symptoms without any side effects. Scores of patients at AIS Clinic have reported a very positive outcome when they used our Homeopathy medicines for about 5-7 months.
Homeopathy medicines stop the skin cells from growing too quickly and reduce skin inflammation. Regular treatment helps to keep psoriasis from getting worse or flaring up.
The scope of treatment extends beyond skin symptoms by addressing the underlying stress and depression that are often seen in several patients.
Here’s Dhiraj’s experience after he used homeopathy treatment at AIS Clinic to overcome his Psoriasis.
“I had patches of psoriasis on my scalp, elbows, and abdomen since 6 years. The patches were very itchy and would often pain. After trying several treatments I switched to homeopathy. After using homeopathy medicines for 3 to 4 months my patches healed completely. Now it’s been more than 1 year, I am off the treatment and thankfully there are no relapses.”