Treat GERD With Homeopathy (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is caused by the frequent backflow of food and acid into the esophagus (a tube connecting the mouth with the stomach). This can occur in healthy people occasionally but is a frequent problem those with GERD.

Stomach contents are normally prevented from moving to the esophagus by the esophageal sphincter (a valve-like ring of muscle at the end of the esophagus).

When this muscle relaxes and allows reflux or is generally weak, GERD may occur. The commonest causes responsible for GERD are abnormally weak contractions or relaxation of the valve, When the wave of contraction is defective, the refluxed acid is not pushed back into the stomach and it can cause damage to the inside layer of the esophagus.

When food remains in the stomach for a longer duration, the stomach is distended for a longer time and this increases the chances of reflux of the stomach contents. Excessive Smoking and alcohol. Eating heavy meals at a time. Lying down shortly after eating. Exerting Physical activity instantly after meals, Overweight, Pregnancy. Certain foods such as spicy, fried, chocolate, caffeine, onions, tomatoes, citrus and carbonated drinks. Stress.

If you have GERD, you may experience symptoms like burning feeling in the chest. Acid or food regurgitation, Sour or bitter taste in the mouth, Trouble in swallowing, Choking, Vomiting blood, black colored stools, Hoarseness or a sore throat, Chest pain, Dry cough, Asthma, Bad breath.

A details case history and lab investigations will help to diagnose GERD. Homeopathy is very effective in managing all the symptoms of Acid Reflux and furthermore plays a very important role in preventing relapse of the condition.

Homeopathic medicines will help decrease acidic build-up, restore the digestive system, and strengthen the lower esophageal sphincter. Homeopathic treatment is natural, safe, gentle and without side-effects.

Certain precautions need to be taken for GERD like Avoid alcohol, smoking. Eat small meals.

Do not bend over after eating. Eat foods like papaya, pineapple, ginger, cabbage, yogurt.Drink a lot of fluids. Wear loose-fitting clothes. Lose weight. Reduce stress.

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