ASTHMA, It’s Time To Say Good Bye!

334 million people have asthma and the count is rising! It’s shocking, isn’t it?

What’s even more shocking is that asthma is more common in children. Many children can develop symptoms of asthma even before they reach 5.

How vital it would be to diagnose correctly and timely!

A lot of health conditions can mimic asthma-like symptoms. Timely treatments can aid breathing difficulty and reduce other problems caused due to asthma.

So, if you see your child having asthma-like symptoms consult a doctor immediately. Every mother wishes to have a healthy child. One mother expressed her feelings as:

“I have to keep him away from everything. I have to be careful he doesn’t catch a cold and that he doesn’t play with water too much. I have to care twice as much for my child than mothers who don’t have such children”.

Almost all mothers get worried about their child’s uncertain future and thought that asthma could affect their educational, professional, and marital status in the future.

Many parents ask me, will my child be free from asthma symptoms? Will he get completely cured?

The answer is of course yes!

Asthma can be effectively controlled if the patient complies with the treatment, takes his medicines on time and follow the schedule advised to him.

It is a fact that rate of treatment compliance remains low among asthma patients and the ones who comply with treatment have fewer asthma attacks and greater treatment outcomes. So, in order to free your child from this problem all you need is an active participant in his treatment. Encourage him to take medicines on time and boost his morale that he will be perfectly fine.

  • Asthma can really play havoc on minds of these kids, robs their health, holds them back from playing with other kids & their attendance usually gets affected at school.
  • There are a number of preventive measures to avoid asthma flare-ups. The most important step is to take asthma medicines regularly.
  • Secondly, learn to recognize the triggers and take steps to avoid them.
  • Maintain a healthy body weight. Being overweight can worsen asthma symptoms.
  • Certain yoga asanas can also help to build a better resistance power and improve the lung function capacity. Keeping body active is the key to asthma management.
  • The patient needs to avoid junk and processed food. Fresh green leafy vegetables must be included in each meal.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids are a great choice to reduce the airway inflammation. Flax seeds and oily fish are a good source of omega 3 and should be consumed regularly.


I will definitely recommend you to start homeopathy treatment for your child.Several clinical studies have verified the usefulness of Homeopathy medicines for long-term control of asthma.

Homeopathy medications keep asthma under control on a day-to-day basis and make it less likely you’ll have an asthma attack. It also reduces the need for quick relief medicines like steroid and bronchodilators.

“I have seen a great benefit for ASTHMA patients using homeopathy medicines at AIS CLINIC.  Our protocols are well designed to control the asthma attacks. More than 85% patients find overall improvement in just about 3-4 months.”

Our patients definitely enjoy a good quality of life once they use homeopathy medicines for asthma & i am confident your child will, too!

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